Saturday, January 31, 2009

Underestimating Humanity

So today i started thinking about something i havent in a while; believing in God causes you to underestimate humanity and nature. Your initial reaction to this may be that of cynicism, shock, or anger, but just think about it. As a Christian, for example, you're taught to "worship the creator, not the creation" but what if the creation is something to be marveled? You're taught to "have faith in God" but what about having faith in humanity? We underestimate so many of the things humans have accomplished, and write them off as "sent from heaven." Our basic human needs, vices, desires, etc. are looked at as "sin" or "the way to heaven." I think humans should teach children how to find out what they believe, not what to believe.

To be continued..

Friday, January 30, 2009

reflection on my previous blog.

So Mr. Ruffin brought up an interesting point; that demonstrates the difference in Iraq and U.S. perspectives.

Iraq looked at the shoe throw as a sign of rebellion and disrespect to be looked on as praiseworthy while the U.S. would look at that as something to be embarrassed about and potentially disastrous. The Iraqi government isn't worried about establishing relations with foreign countries, and that will be one of their downfalls. A key reason the US has gotten where it has in the world is because it takes into account foreign nations and how we carry ourselves in a professional manner. I cant believe I'm saying this, but i hope Iraq follows that example. I absolutely detest America's involvement in their government, etc, but i hope Iraq learns that it actually does have to care how it conducts relations with other countries. The world is becoming increasingly globalized, and EVERYONE is going to have to learn to deal with it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

oh my god, guys...

so i found this article on yahoo news today... It has nothing to do with science, but it made me laugh hysterically.

Link: Iraq Built A Sculpture.

check it =]

If you didn't see the original story, watch and laugh:

and the story is here (it also has, i think, a better video): BBC News: Guy Who Threw Shoes At Bush.