Saturday, March 28, 2009

heyy, whats in your water?

So on the news yesterday there was a thing about the water in chesapeake.
yeah, so, they built this golf course using fly ash,
and its polluting the water supply!
=O yeah, and whats the point of golf courses?

the residents get their water from wells.
the people that built it claim its safe, but the residents dont trust it.
they say the water smells funny and has icky particles floating in it
and they refuse to drink or bathe in it.
oh, and did i mention some of the stuff found in the water is LEAD and ARSENIC?
wow, thats REALLLYY safe ;]

BUT chesapeake built a shed with a pipeline to the city water supply.
this is temporary, theyre trying to convert all the homes near this site to city water lines.

yeahhh, like we dont pollute enough already.

check this linkk:

and heres a video =D

and remember, kids...
just say no to golf courses.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

heyyyo gene therapyy

welcome to the blog about GENE THERAPY.

GENE THERAPY uses genes to treat or prevent diseases.
[what a surprise...]


  • replaces a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene.
  • inactivates, a mutated gene that is functioning improperly.
  • introduces a new gene into the body to help fight a disease.

this technique is still being studied to make sure it wont mass murder people who are trying to get better. =]
but hey, on the bright side, if it works, we get cures to diseases right?
[hah, like we need more people on this planet?]

gene therapy pretty much just completely removes the problem forever instead of having to get treated like alooot and spending a metric ton of money and time and is just mad convenient.

in order to treat a problem you have to get the cause of it, not the symptoms right? that's what gene therapy does; it replaces the gene that's giving you issues and lets you move on with your life.

hello sources =]

Monday, March 9, 2009

maybe obamas not so bad after all.


Obama lifted the ban on stem cell research!

from fox news:
"President Obama said Monday that he will ensure the government never "opens the door" for human cloning, before signing an order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. "

so, yeah, victory for the democrats.
SORRY to those of you who are 'pro-life'...
but no more limits for stem cell research.

read more here.

maybe obama will be a good president after all. ;]