Monday, March 9, 2009

maybe obamas not so bad after all.


Obama lifted the ban on stem cell research!

from fox news:
"President Obama said Monday that he will ensure the government never "opens the door" for human cloning, before signing an order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. "

so, yeah, victory for the democrats.
SORRY to those of you who are 'pro-life'...
but no more limits for stem cell research.

read more here.

maybe obama will be a good president after all. ;]

1 comment:

  1. I heard about Pres. Obama's efforts on Stem Cell Research through twitter. I'm not surprised about his decision to overturn Pres. Bush's restraints since he is an avid Pro-choicer. It will be interesting to see how scientist remedy some of the draw backs of embryonic stem cell research without utilizing cloning or other methods. Great job on the post.
